Hello everybody! Today I have a DIY for all of you. In this DIY you will learn how to make four pumpkins out of fake craft pumpkins and two treat bag ideas.
The pumpkins have spiders or ribbon on them. Even one pumpkin is a chalkboard pumpkin. There is also a Frankenstein and a Ball Mason Jar for treat bags.
The pumpkins have spiders or ribbon on them. Even one pumpkin is a chalkboard pumpkin. There is also a Frankenstein and a Ball Mason Jar for treat bags.
Bow Tie Pumpkins

White Pumpkin
You will need...
Fake craft pumpkin
Orange ribbon
Black scissors
Optional: tape
Black spiders
Spray paint
Optional: You could either buy a white or orange pumpkin. I had a orange one and I spray painted it white.
1. Tie your ribbon on the pumpkin. You can put tape on the pumpkin and on the ribbon to keep it from moving.
2. Glue your your spider on the pumpkin.
Orange Pumpkin
You will need...
Fake craft pumpkin
Black ribbon
All you have to do this pumpkin is to tie a ribbon around it.
Chalkboard Pumpkin

You will need...
Fake chalkboard craft pumpkin
For this pumpkin, just draw a animals face of your choice on the front of it.
Spider Pumpkin

You will need...
Fake craft pumpkin
Black paint
Black spiders
1. Paint a spider web on to the pumpkin.
2. Glue your to spider to the pumpkin.
Tip: Tape on the spiders and on the pumpkin to keep them from moving.
Treat Bags

Ball Treat Jar
You will need...
Black and white cardstock
Spray paint
Orange ribbon
Black spider
Ball Mason Jar
1. Spay paint the Ball Jar's lid.
2. Made your tag out of the cardstock.

3. Tie on the ribbon along with your tag.
Frankenstein Treat Bag
You will need...
Black and white cardstock
Green or brown paper bag
1. Cut out your pieces for the eyes, hair, and mouth.
2. Glue on the eyes, hair, and mouth.
Pumpkin Decorations from Michaels
I saw this chalkboard pumpkin at Michaels. I think it's really cute and for the design I drew a spider.

I made a video for this DIY. You can watch and follow it instead of reading the directions from above.
If you can't see the video click here.
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