Today I have a new DIY for you. It's thee no-sew pillows with two pillows with reindeer's on them and one snowflake on them.
What you will need...
White Fabric
Gold and Black Paint
Polyester Stuffing
Polyester Stuffing
1. Print out or draw out your design. You can either cut them out and trace them or place the design under the fabric to trace the design.
2. Measure how big you want the pillow to be an cut it out.
3. Paint your design.
4. Overlap the back of the pillow over the design before you glue it. This is so the design is shown on the front of the pillow.
5. Glue your pillow together with the glue gun by lifting up the top fabric and glue on the inside on the corners.
Leave a hole to flip inside out to get the design on the front!
6. Flip the pillow inside out. Stuff your pillow with stuffing.
7. Then glue the hole together.
3. Paint your design.
4. Overlap the back of the pillow over the design before you glue it. This is so the design is shown on the front of the pillow.
5. Glue your pillow together with the glue gun by lifting up the top fabric and glue on the inside on the corners.
Leave a hole to flip inside out to get the design on the front!
6. Flip the pillow inside out. Stuff your pillow with stuffing.
7. Then glue the hole together.

If you can't see the video click here.
Questions Time!
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