Hello! Today, I'm going to show you seven DIY organization ideas and life hacks. These are all great ways to organize a room or great ways to organize a closet.
Muffin Pan Organizer
The first idea I'll show you is that you can use a muffin pan to organize small things like buttons.
This is a great way to separate things while your making something.
Basket Organization
The second organization idea is to use a picnic basket to hide extra things in.
You can put stuffed animals, pillows, books, or whatever you would like into the basket.
I love this idea because it's a great place to put my stuffed animals.
DIY Jar Organizer
For the third idea, I'm going to show you how to make this jar with a label on it.
Write down whatever item you are going to store in the jar onto the piece of cardstock paper and cut it out into any shape you would like.
Put some Mod Podge onto the back of the piece that you just made and place it onto the jar.
You may need to hold the piece of paper onto the jar for 30 seconds or more so it sticks to the jar.
When the jar is done, you can put the item that you wrote down onto the piece of paper into the jar.
Sunglasses Hanger
For the next idea, you can put your sunglasses onto a hanger and display them.
All you have to do is put your sunglasses onto the bottom part of the hanger and hang the hanger up on your wall.
You can put around five sunglasses onto your hanger. It would also depend on the size of the hanger.
DIY Toilet Paper Roll Cord Holder
For the fifth organization idea, I'll show you how to make two versions of a cord holder.
What you will need for this DIY is duct tape, toilet paper rolls, paint, a pen or a pencil, a paintbrush, and scissors.
For the first version of the roll wrap the tape onto the paper roll and cut off the extra. Wrap all the around the roll or just part of the way. You can paint on the part you don't put tape on before because it is easier to do then after taping.
The second version of the roll is that you can just paint the roll.
When the rolls are dry write the name of whatever cord is going inside the roll onto the roll.
Now you can put the cord inside of the roll.
More Basket Organization
For the next idea, you can use a basket to store stuff like stickers or pencils.
You can place a jar or a tin can inside of the basket. You can put pencils or pens in the jar or the tin can. I put the jar in the corner of the basket and I put stickers on the other side.
Closet Organization Life Hack
Take a chain and place your hangers into the chains holes. Depending on the size of your hanger you will need to have the right size of chain so the hangers can hang on the chain. You can put a lot of clothes onto the chain.
You can hang the hanger like this.
Final Thoughts!
and that's it! All of these are really great way to help you organize your room. Which DIY is your favorite?
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