Hello there! Here, you're going to learn how to make three Christmas room decorations that are easy to make. You'll learn how to make a flower arrangement box, a canvas, and a garland with bells and pinecones on it.
You can watch the video below or read on to learn how to make these decorations.
Christmas Canvas
You'll need:
Canvas of any size (My canvas is 7x7 inches)
Flower pick
Hot glue
Wire cutters
1. You want to take your flower pick with anything that you want on it and you want to lay it on the canvas to see where you want it and where it needs to be cut.
2. When you figure our where it needs to be cut, you can cut it down to fit the canvas with wire cutters.
3. Tie a bow and make sure it's the size you want it to be.
4. Take hot glue and glue on the pick and don't put too much glue because you may see the glue underneath of the stem.
5. When you're done glueing the pick down to the canvas, you can glue on the bow. If you want you can also glue a bell onto the bow.
6. If you need to you can glue each part of the pick into place so they stay where you want them to be and then you're done with the canvas.

Flower Arrangement Box
You'll need:
Floral foam
Wire cutters
Before you start you want to get some kind of box and if it has a lid you want to take it off. I used a plaid box.
1. Put floral foam into the box and if you need to you can glue it in.
2. You want to get some flowers and pull the flowers and leaves off their stems. You can also cut them off with wire cutters. I used poinsettias for my flower arrangement.
If you have leaves that are connected you want to cut them apart and make sure you leave some of their stem on them.
3. After you get the flowers and the leaves that you want to use off of the stems, you can put them in the foam. I put about twelve leaves, five small and two large flowers in the foam
4. Take a piece of ribbon that's long enough to be tied around the box and you want to put a piece of clear tape on the middle of the ribbon.
5. Tape the middle of the ribbon on the back of the box. This is so the ribbon stays in place while you're tying the ribbon on the box.
6. Tie ribbon and you can cut off the extra ribbon at a angle.
7. Put a piece of thread that matches the ribbon through a bell and you want to tie the bell on the ribbon.
8. Cut off the extra thread and move the knot behind the bow and make you leave some extra thread so it doesn't come undone and then you're all done.

Bell and Pinecone Garland
You'll need:
Pinecone ornaments
Bell ornaments
If you don't have pinecones with twine on them, you can make them by glueing on a piece of twine.
1. Run a piece of twine through the bells.
2. Take your pinecones and cut the twine that's on them.
3. Then you can tie them on between the bells. If you glued on the the twine to a pinecone all you you have to do is tie them on.
4. Cut off the extra twine and adjust the bells and the pinecones to where you want them to be.
5. Tie it or tape it anywhere you would like.

That's how you make these Christmas room decorations!
I love how all of the decorations turned out. My favorite is the canvas and I love the plaid box I used for the flower arrangement. Which one is your favorite?
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