Hey there! I wanted to make something really easy with my macrame cord and I decided to learn how to make a round macrame coaster. I'll also be showing you how to make the same round macrame coaster that I made and it's easy for beginners to make!
You're going to learn how to make two macrame knots. The first one you 'll learn how to make the cow hitch knot and then you learn how to make a double half hitch knot. These knots are really easy to make.
Also something you're going to need is macrame cord. I used less than 50 yards of macrame cord and I might be able to do another small project with it.
The macrame cord can be any thickness that you want but keep in mind the amount of cord you'll need will depend on the thickness of the cord so you might need more or less than what I used.
Lets get started!
What you're going to need:
Macrame cord
Creating The Center
1. You want to start by measuring and cutting a 5 foot cord.

2. Then you can measure and cut five 30 inch cords.

4. Then you want to take one of 30 inch cords and fold it in half.
5. After you fold the cord in half, you want to place the fold under the loop and pull the ends of the cord through the fold until you created a cow hitch knot.

8. When you're finished pulling the cord and if you want you can trim the end that's from the loop now or you can do this later to cut it shorter.
9. Before you start creating the coaster, you can put a piece of tape on the first 30 inch cord your working on so you'll know when you finished a row.

How To Make The Knots & Rows
1. To begin creating your coaster and to create your first double half hitch knot, you want to take the 5 foot cord on the left and overlap the one on the right.
2. Then you want to make the number 4 with the cord that's now on the left and pull the end through the four.

3. Once you're done, you want to make another 4 with the cord on the left and pull the end through the 4 to make a double half hitch knot.

Tips: When you're done with one double half hitch knot, you can rotate what you have of the coaster a little bit to the left to make it easier to make the knots and you also don't want to pull the cords to hard because the coaster will start to warp into a bowl.

10. All you have to do now is that you want to follow all of the same steps for the double half hitch knots and gaps until you like the size of your coaster. Also remember add another piece of cord to your coaster to each gap that you see.
Another tip: You can cut the cord that you're making for the gaps shorter every row by about 2 or 3 inches.

Finishing Up The Coaster
2. After you're done trimming the cords, you want to unravel each cord.
3. When you're done unraveling each cord, you want to take a comb and comb out the cord.

That's how you make your very own macrame coaster!
If you want a little more help you can watch the video below or you can keep following the instructions above.
Final Look & Thoughts
I like how easy this was to create and I'm happy it turned out looking really cute in the end.
The most fun part about this DIY was learning how to make some macrame knots and trimming the cord that's around the coaster.
Here's how it looked in the end!

What do you think about this macrame coaster and will you be making a one?
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