Hi there! I wanted to share how to make a cauldron. It's an easy Halloween room decoration and you can customize it however you would like. For instance, you can paint the cauldron and the stuff coming out of the cauldron any color that you want.
You're going to want to use something that is glass and you want it to be in a shape of a cauldron. For example, you can use a round vase, bowl or a candle holder.
Now for the stuff coming out of the cauldron, you want to use hot glue. You could probably use colored hot glue sticks but you can use clear ones and paint it to the color that you want.
Something you can add to it but you don't have to is a chain. You can have the glue cover just the ends or you can cover parts of it.
To learn how to make you can watch the video below or you can read on. You also get to learn how to make two other Halloween decorations. They're some of my favorite decorations that I have made.
What you'll need:
Something that is glass and is shaped like a cauldron
Black and another color of acrylic paint
Hot glue
If it's needed you may need something to cut the chain.
1. Painting what you want to use for a cauldron with one or more coats of black acrylic paint and wait for the paint to dry before going on to the next step. Some examples you can to use is a vase, jar, a bowl, candle holder, or whatever you would like.

2. When the paint is completely dry, you can put hot glue all around the edge of the opening but you want to to do this in sections because you want the glue to cool down because the glass might get to hot and break.
You can also want to make the glue look like its dripping down the side and you can layer the glue so it doesn't look flat when it's done.

3. Once you like how the glue looks and when it's dry, you can to take a piece of chain and glue each end of the chain where you would like it to be.
You may need to cut the chain before gluing it on. I was able to use wire cutters but depending on the thickness of the chain you may need to use something else.

4. After you glue the chain on, you can put glue over the chain so it looks like its being covered by the stuff coming out of the cauldron.
You can cover just the ends of the chain or you can cover more of it. It just depends on how you want it to look when it's done.

5. When the glue is dry, you want to paint the glue any color that you would like and you may need to paint it more than once. I painted mine a bright green.
Also if you do mess up, you can fix the mistakes by painting over the places you messed up.

What do you think about this cauldron and will you be making one?
I think it looks really cute. I love how the glue and chain turned out in the end.
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