Hello! I wanted to share some cute snow globe spread ideas you can do for your bullet journal.
You can draw whatever you would like in your snow globes. I drew houses, trees, and mountains in my snow globes. You can even draw snowflakes or add washi tape to your journal spreads.
These ideas are great for cover pages, mood trackers, calendars, weekly spreads, and other journal spreads.
Now lets get started with the first snow globe spread idea!
Cover Page
A simple idea you can do for your cover page is that you can draw one snow globe with whatever you would in it. You can also write the month you're making this for above, under, or on the snow globe.
I drew a house and tree in mine. I also drew circles to represent the snow falling in the snow globe after it has been shaken.
For your calendar page you can make it a two page spread or a one page spread. I did a two page spread.
You can draw as many snow globes as you want. You can even draw snowflakes, use washi tape, and banners to fill up empty spaces.
Mood Tracker
The easiest way to make a mood tracker with snow globes is to draw mountains and split the mountains up for each day.
An Ideas Page
I cut two pieces of paper and taped them down. Then I wrote which each paper was for.
You can definitely draw out some boxes instead of using paper and you can even use washi tape.

This last weekly spread idea I have is also a two page weekly spread.
Weekly Spread Ideas
The first weekly spread idea I have is a two page weekly spread. You can draw as many boxes as you want for the days and you can even draw more than one snow globe.
I decided to make my weekly spread for about two weeks. I also drew two snow globes and snowflakes.
It's a simple spread with one snow globe in the middle of the page.

Final Thoughts
That's all of the snow globe journal spread ideas that I have. I hope it gave you some inspiration for your own snow globe themed spreads.
I absolutely love all of these snow globe journal spreads. My favorites are the mood tracker and the calendar spread.
Which one is your favorite and will you be making any of these?
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