Hey there! I have a small cloche and I decided to make an easy Halloween decoration out of it. It has the cutest ghost in it!
I made the ghost out of fabric, paint, twine for the bow, and an old paint bottle. I also used a glitter pumpkin and some moss to fill the cloche up.
You can definitely customize your ghost cloche however you would like and you can even glue everything onto a piece of paper that's fits the bottom of the cloche so you can reuse the cloche for different projects.
Here's what you're going to need:
Any sized cloche
White or a different color of fabric
Acrylic paint
Paintbrush or a pencil
Hot glue
Something for the body of the ghost like a old paint bottle
Glitter pumpkin, twine, moss, or whatever you would like
1. The first thing I did was that I glued a piece of white fabric onto an old paint bottle and this paint bottle is for the body of the ghost.
If you don't have a paint bottle you can use whatever you would like and you can glue some of the fabric to the back to get the right shape of the ghost.

2. Next, I painted the bottle white so I couldn't see the yellow and words from the paint bottle through the fabric. This is an optional step but it really does help cover up the words and the color of the paint bottle.
3. Then I painted a face onto the fabric and I also glued on a bow with orange and black twine.
You can paint any face that you want and you can use a pencil to make the thin lines of face such as the mouth. I painted a simple face with two eyes, a smile, and pink cheeks.

The reason why I did this was so I could glue everything on the paper instead of the bottom of the cloche and this will also help make the cloche reusable for more things.

If you don't want to use a pumpkin, you can try to find something like a miniature pumpkin pail and you could glue it onto the moss or you make it look like the ghost is holding on the pumpkin pail. You can also use whatever you would like!

This is how my cloche looks when it's finished.
I think if I were to make another one with a ghost, I would maybe make one with a little hat and a mustache or one with a witch hat.
What do you think about this DIY and will you be making one like this?
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